Ny vecka, nya tag, right? Men så gick jag ju och gjorde en grej jag inte skulle göra och så blev hela världen svart (jävligt close), varför kan man inte bara hindra sig själv? Klappmongo.
Nu till universitetet och analysera artiklar, "
A qualitative analysis of adult incest survivors responses to sexual involvement with therapists" & "
The health of trafficked women: A survey of Women entering posttrafficking services in Europe". Båda intressanta men den första hade exempel som var helt sjuka. Artikeln (1) handlar alltså om kvinnor som varit utsatta för incest, sedan när de i vuxen ålder sökt hjälp har de även blivit utnyttjade av dem de sökt hjälp hos ex. psykologer, psykiatriker, präster etc.
Lucy"Background information: [...] The father was verbally and physically abusive to the mother after Lucy’s birth and began to physically abuse Lucy prior to age 2. Lucy recalled her father being in and out of hospitals for problems with his “nerves.” From preschool through grade school, he sexually traumatized Lucy. He would restrain her and force his penis down her throat; he sodomized her on several occasions which left her bleeding and needing stitches to repair rectal tears. The mother, who feared for their lives, was aware of the abuse and had helped restrain Lucy on several occasions, since she believed that Lucy was the only one who could “calm him down.”
Therapy information: Lucy eventually sought counseling from a pastoral counselor in her church for depressionand marital problems. In the course of counseling, she told the therapist of a brief affair and of her sexual abusehistory. While he was initially compassionate, he later demanded that she have sex with him. He told her that she had “already committed adultery,” so “what difference will a little more make?’ She refused; he continued to badger her. At one point he threatened to kill himself. Later he threatened to divulge her previous sexual behavior to her husband. She tinally consented to intercourse with the therapist but attempted suicide a few weeks later."
"Your therapist sweet pea". Mkay